Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

musculi partis superficialis compartimenti antebrachii anterioris (par)

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Top level systema musculare Short Extended
Level 2 systema musculare membri superioris Short Extended
Level 3 musculi membri superioris (par) Short Extended
Current level musculi partis superficialis compartimenti antebrachii anterioris (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
38472 14465 tax
musculi partis superficialis compartimenti antebrachii anterioris (par)
muscles of superficial part of anterior compartment of forearm (pair)
63259 15307 tax
tendo flexorius communis (par)
common flexor tendon (pair)
38450 2004 tax
musculus pronator teres (par)
round pronator muscle (pair) ; pronator teres muscle (pair)
38558 2005 tax
caput humerale (par) ; caput superficiale (par)
humeral head (pair) ; superficial head (pair)
38559 2006 tax
caput ulnare (par) ; caput profundum (par)
ulnar head (pair) ; deep head (pair)
38459 2007 tax
musculus flexor carpi radialis (par)
radial flexor muscle of wrist (pair) ; flexor carpi radialis muscle (pair)
38582 14507 tax
tendo musculi flexoris carpi radialis (par)
tendon of radial flexor muscle of wrist (pair)
38462 2008 tax
musculus palmaris longus (par)
long palmar muscle (pair) ; palmaris longus muscle (pair)
38465 2009 tax
musculus flexor carpi ulnaris (par)
ulnar flexor muscle of wrist (pair) ; flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (pair)
38615 2010 tax
caput humerale (par)
humeral head (pair)
38616 2011 tax
caput ulnare (par)
ulnar head (pair)
38469 2012 tax
musculus flexor digitorum manus superficialis (par)
superficial flexor muscle of fingers of hand (pair) ; flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (pair)
38636 2013 tax
caput humeroulnare (par)
humero-ulnar head (pair)
38637 2014 tax
caput radiale (par)
radial head (pair)
38624 14510 tax
tendines distales musculi flexoris digitorum manus superficialis (par)
distal tendons of superficial flexor muscle of finger of hand (pair)
# tendo distalis musculi flexoris digitorum manus superficialis
# distal tendon of superficial flexor muscle of finger of hand
77258 2060 tax
chiasma tendinis distalis musculi flexoris digitorum manus superficialis (par)
tendinous chiasm of superficial flexor muscle of finger of hand (pair)
14511 tax
tendo digiti secundi (par)
tendon of index finger (pair)
14512 tax
tendo digiti tertii (par)
tendon of third finger (pair)
14513 tax
tendo digiti quarti (par)
tendon of ring finger (pair)
14514 tax
tendo digiti minimi (par)
tendon of little finger (pair)
21 lines
81.0 %
81.0 %
4 partial items
57 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The tendo flexorius communis is the common tendon for the superficial flexors of the forearm coming from the medial epicondyle of the humerus. The musculus flexor digitorum superficialis separates into superficial and deep parts, giving rise to tendons to the 3rd and 4th, and 2nd and 5th fingers, respectively. These tendons have been included.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 14465
Number of children 56 (validated)
Number of units 19 (validated)
Signature 24595 (validated since 20.12.2022)
Date: 15.12.2024